Every teenager, every overweight person and every skinny fellow on this planet have thought about how to gain muscle.
The fact that most of them didn't try to do anything is the reason why they haven't succeeded.
It's not hard to explain how to gain muscle, nor is it hard to achieve, but the first thing is to commit yourself, nothing comes for free.
Here are three essential steps that need to be remembered as cornerstone for any person that ever wondered how to gain muscle.
The first thing you need to do to build muscle is to eat well.
But you cannot eat just any food in large quantities; eat healthy food with high carb count and proteins.
The basic idea is to calculate your current intake of food and raise it by at least 500 calories for starters.
The most important thing is to add a high protein count to your meals.
The second step is preventing cardio and loosening up your muscles.
You need to jog 3 or 4 times a week to get your body in shape.
You also need to stretch your muscles before you put some weight on them, if not stretched and warmed up your muscles can be easily injured.
The last tip on how to build muscle mass is something you probably guessed, workout.
But we are not talking about regular workout patterns you probably heard of, what you need to do is workout your entire body per session.
That way your growth hormone release will be much greater and the muscle gain will increase.
This is the basic concept for anyone who ever wondered how to gain muscle.
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