- When making purchases or transactions online, never send you credit card number via email. This is not secure. Others may be able to view your personal information. To be sure you are using a secure site, look in the lower right hand corner of the window for the small lock symbol or for "https://" in the address bar, meaning that the site is secure and uses encryption. Always log off after your purchase or transaction is complete.
- Immediately report any lost or stolen credit cards. Contact the company that issued the card to report the loss and to request a new card. Review your statement as soon as you receive it to be sure there are no questionable transactions on the account. Cancel any credit cards you do not use, and cut them up to reduce the possibility of unauthorized use.
- According to Wells Fargo, PIN numbers should be changed every six months. If you need a new PIN, contact the company that issued the card for assistance. Never choose numbers that may be contained in your address, phone number or birthday.
- When using a credit card at an ATM, cover the number pad when entering your PIN. Have your PIN memorized, do not share it with anyone and do not write it down. Do not use ATMs after dark unless you have someone with you. If it is necessary for you to go alone, be very aware of your surroundings. If you should notice suspicious activity, cancel the transaction, take your card and leave.