€Health is Wealth' and the adage goes so true€¦If there happens to be an ailment with any part of the body, the overall health is adversely affected€¦which in some way or the other, may be detrimental to a routine life. Ear, one of the major sense organs, can be truly painful if there happens to be any infection or injury in and around it. An ear infection occurs due to viral/fungal infections affecting the mid part of the ear. Such an infection can be really painful because of inflammation or fluid build up in the area.
Some of the most commonly observed ear infection symptoms include:
Loss of appetite and vomiting;
Trouble in sleeping;
Discharge of a thick yellow liquid;
Feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear;
Dizziness/balance problems (vertigo);
Ear pain;
Diminished hearing;
Irritable behavior;
Children tend to cry more than usual;
Delayed responsiveness;
Blisters in the ear;
Humming/Buzzing noises in the ear
However it is very important to get an accurate diagnosis done in order to expedite a prompt treatment and to avoid things getting worse to worst. Especially, in case of children, if the child complains of pain or any other unusual symptom; or complains of severe ear pain; feels sleepless at night for over a few days; has been suffering from upper respiratory infection; or there has been a thick/bloody discharge from the ear; an immediate consultation with the concerned doctor is highly€¦highly recommendable. Almost all children tend to experience ear infection (atleast 1-2 times) in the first two years of life; nevertheless, it also depends on the head and neck anatomy as well as environmental factors that may make a child more prone to such infections. A timely and an accurate treatment can surely avert long term damage such as hearing loss or other neurological problems. A prolonged infection may have an adverse effect not only on hearing, but also in the child's speech development.
Not only kids, but even adults, if happen to experience any of the above mentioned ear infection symptoms persistently, need to immediately consult a physician; as any delay in the right treatment may lead the infection to affect the ear canal, eardrum, or the middle ear.
Some of the major causes of such infections include: smaller Eustachian tubes; swimming in unclean/polluted waters; upper respiratory tract infections; sudden changes in air pressure; and over-cleaning of ears that may affect the delicate tissues.
In case a physical examination and a laboratory analysis fail to identify actual problem/actual point of problem, the patient may have to undergo a CT scan.
Treatment for ear infections may consist of antibiotics, antiviral, pain-killers and even surgery at times.
If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, visit your physician right now, with absolutely no delay.
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