Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Always Have Gas? Why You"re Always Gassy

Have you ever wondered why it is that you always have gas, especially when it's not even after eating? If so this article today will explain the most common reason why you're always gassy and what you can do about it to stop the farting and excess bloating.
You don't need to have chronic gas anymore! It's in the Bowels! Of course the bowels being the end-pipe of what is a very intelligent elimination system that is your digestive tract, now why are they always creating gas? Well the most frequent cause of chronic gas is fermentation within the bowels.
So what does that mean exactly? Well certain foods such as sugar for example when fed to the micro-organisms of your digestive tract will cause these bacteria and yeast to create fermentation which is the same process used to help bread rise or create substances like alcohol.
There is a lot of expansion and excess gases produced through fermentation, as a result your bowels will uncontrollably expand quite often and you'll be left dealing with all the gas and bloating.
The Main Cause of Fermentation and a Gassy Bowel The main culprit in all of this is almost always a yeast known as candida which is in abundance in the body and especially the bowels.
As I described when you consume foods such as sugar, yeast or alcohol you emphasize and encourage this process.
So what's the solution? Cut back on these foods and follow a strict candida diet to eliminate the overgrowth of candida from your body.
That often isn't enough however, as candida will grow back unless the factors that created the overgrowth in the first place are targeted and resolved.
A good first step is to figure out if candida is a major factor in your health issues by taking a candida test or questionnaire.

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