You can keep high cholesterol under control, once you know the factors that cause high cholesterol production in your body. Specified below are a few factors, which can be controlled by us to lower our cholesterol.
- Daily diet - Fatty foods in your diet makes the levels higher. By lowering these saturated fats, it is possible to regulate the cholesterol in your foods.
- Weight - Overweight, as we all know could possibly be the reason behind plenty of health conditions. Make an effort to shed extra pounds to remain in good shape. Proportionate fat loss will increase HDL as well as reduces LDL.
- Exercise - 30 minutes of moderate workouts are essential as well as can be useful for losing weight.
These factors too have a effect on our levels of cholesterol, however, they cannot be controlled by us.
- Age and Gender - As we become older, the levels increase. Furthermore, women generally have lesser levels as compared to men and after menopause, a woman's LDL has a tendency to go up.
- Heredity - The genes you inherit may have a huge influence on you. If you have a family history of heart diseases, that are caused by cholesterol, take appropriate measures to be safer.
A required cholesterol ratio is 3.5:1, however, maintaining a cholesterol ratio of anything under 5:1 is usually advisable. HDL levels that is at least 60 mg/dl or more will definitely benefit the heart.
Maintaining Healthy Cholesterol Levels
You need to prioritize and try and include exercises in your daily routine. Exercising always helps; climbing stairs, biking, and swimming are some of the activities that can help maintain normal cholesterol levels. Many doctors suggest that burning calories increases metabolism and being active helps you stay fit.
Another thing that can help control your cholesterol levels is a stress-free mind. Try and pursue a hobby or an activity that you enjoy. It'll take your mind off all the tensions and worries and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Giving up smoking and drinking alcohol will also go a long way in improving your cholesterol levels.
Try to incorporate foods in your daily diet, which can increase the good cholesterol in your body. Listed below are some of the food items that may help you control your cholesterol levels.
- Intake of fish like salmon, sardines, sea bass, and mackerel increases HDL, and can work wonders even in a short time
- Eat foods containing omega-3 fatty-acids like foods rich in soy, green and fresh leafy vegetables and, walnuts
- Reduce the intake of sweetened beverages to improve your health
- Increase the intake of fiber rich food
- Take sugar free substitutes like fresh fruit or iced tea
- Reduce the consumption of salt
Cholesterol levels monitor the health of the heart and these diet changes can considerably change the way your body and heart feel.