Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Laws of Execution - How to Systematically Get Things Done

Too often you hear people talk about bad habits that they have and changes that need they need to make in both life and careers.
But, when it comes to the corrective actions that need to be executed, they will allow the solutions to die at the discussion table where they began.
Nothing is accomplished, the circle of frustration continues, and they are left with little positive results.
Do you find yourself among these ranks? Are you looking for a way to break this cycle? Here are five steps to systematically begin doing what must get done: · Draw the Finish Line As with anything, you must know where you're going before you start.
Drawing the finish line is the same as drawing a line in the sand.
First, you must make a commitment that you are finished accepting what is not acceptable in your professional and personal life.
Make a clear cut decision regarding what needs to change in order to accomplish this task Be honest with yourself.
In as much detail as possible, write down the changes you will need to make in your daily habits.
Note what results you've found in your life you've been unhappy with.
This will serve as the template for creating your system of implementation to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be.
· Define the step-by-step actions required to make the changes This is where your practical side comes into play.
It is the most important step of this process.
Clearly define exactly what you will need to do in order to complete your task or goal.
This will become the course of action that you will follow to achieve your desired results.
Be as detailed as possible.
Do not cut corners.
Ignore any thoughts that tell you that a necessary step is "too hard.
" This type of thinking will only get in your way, becoming an obstacle to completing the required steps.
Such thinking is counter-productive and self-defeating.
Take the time to commit to the steps you have noted, as they will help you win this challenge.
Once recorded, you are ready to move onto the next stage of this week's process.
You now have what we need to create a system..
Post this somewhere it will readily be seen on a daily basis (i.
mirror, refrigerator).
· Date Each Step with a Checkpoint Create checkpoints to monitor your progress throughout the week.
These checkpoints should start daily and can lessen as you start reaching each milestone.
Be cautious not to set the bar too low or too high.
You want your challenges to be attainable, but you do not want to make it so you are overworked trying to achieve what you set forth.
You also do not want to have deadlines that need to be continuously adjusted.
Changing deadlines could become a habit, like negative thinking, that will keep you in your current situation Your checkpoints should be made at a level where you will not be overly conscious of the work you will put in order to succeed.
"People respect what you inspect.
" This is true in the business world and it is also true with you.
Put the work into your plan and you will be a success.
· Set Consequences for Inaction By the time you get to this portion of your system, you should be filled with confidence.
Your goals should be broken down into such small, manageable pieces that you should not worry about reaching the finish line.
The thought of consequences therefore, should not cause any fear.
Let them serve as a reminder of your commitment.
Reaching your goal is really the only option.
Work with your accountability partners to define what will happen if you do not meet a deadline.
Let them help you stay on track and avoid any consequences.
If you continue to postpone achieving your goal, find yourself missing deadlines, or changing your priorities, discuss this with your leadership coach.
Take time to examine your goals together.
What is holding you back? Is there a thought or idea that is bothering you? Maybe the goal you have set forth to achieve isn't exactly what you want.
Goals change over time.
Make the time to evaluate and adjust if necessary · Reward Yourself for a Job Well Done! With any worthwhile goal there will be struggle along the path to obtaining it.
Celebrate moving beyond each struggle.
Select an activity or something you enjoy.
Make this the reward for accomplishing each goal at the pre-determined checkpoints you've created.
Share your planned rewards with a confidential friend or your accountability partner.
Let them serve as your cheerleader, helping you in staying the course towards reaching those goals.
They can remind you of the fun you have planned once you have accomplished your most difficult tasks.
By the time you are enjoying the "fruits of your labor" there should be a noticeable difference in the person you were, to the person you are at that point.
You have every right to celebrate the "you" that you have created.
Indulge yourself.
You will be far more likely to tackle difficult tasks in the future when you've related the experience to something fun!

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