Jimmy is totally hammered.
He is red-faced, glazy-eyed, sweaty, and having the time of his life.
Because Jimmy is a happy drunk; he is a senior in high school with lots of things going for him and he is celebrating his team's victory tonight at a friend's house.
He is invincible, he is full of life, his inhibitions are down and he gets to be who he wants to be.
The story of so many Friday nights around this country.
No, this one doesn't need to end in tragedy, though it often does.
But yet we glorify the college coed party, we laugh at it in the movies, and we shake our head at the tragic news highlights of a party gone bad.
Then why is it so "cool" to be drunk? I've been mulling this over for a while and I came up with some slightly tongue-in-cheek reasons people must have.
Please understand me,I am not talking about an evening of fun with some drinks and good friends, but the notorious go-to-get-plastered- party.
Being Drunk is "cool" because it gives us stuff to write and talk about.
Novels, movies, water cooler conversation are all too often based around an intriguing story of a drunken father, son, grandmother, or aunt.
It is our Shakespearean tragedy, our drama-driven obsession.
We wouldn't have the same material for our conversations and couldn't examine and reveal all of the hidden parts of the human heart without it.
If cotton is the fabric of our lives, alcohol is the underarmour.
Being Drunk is "cool" because it challenges vincibility.
We know the physical risks to habitual drinking, the scientific reasons binge drinking can kill us, the ramifications of drunk driving.
Head knowledge doesn't supersede social capital, and in the moment, we just want to defy the statistics and live daringly.
We can deal with consequences another time, and enjoy the momentary victory of doing what we want over what is better for us.
Being Drunk is "cool" because it pads our insecurities The beer commercials are great at conveying just how much fun alcohol can provide in loosening up the crowd and making the party flow.
Games, talking, all that is easier with some beer.
And some more, and some more, so we can see who will be the first to lose a piece of clothing or have loose lips.
Like reality television, drunkenness lets us see ourselves in a superior light.
It brings attention mongers success and thrill seekers adrenaline.
The only mildly drunk can laugh at the antics of the really drunk, assured their real problems have been successfully masked in the social situation for one more night.
Are these the reasons that explain timeless binging and obsession with drunken orgies, through poverty and prohibition, tax hikes and technology? I don't know.
Will we ever understand why intoxication bonds classes, ideologies, even religions? I'm not sure.
I do wish we would all see past the facade to find balance, to stop blaming the drink and taking a good look at our own motivation.
I somehow feel that life and stories could be just as interesting without the drunken drama.
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