Home & Garden Home Improvement

How to Clean Soy Sauce Stains From Your Carpet

One of the best ways to eat Chinese food take-out is in front of the television with your friends while watching your favorite shows.
Eating your favorite dumplings and egg rolls can be a treat while checking out the latest episode of Breaking Bad or X-Factor.
What is not enjoyable, though, is when you or your friends accidentally spill some soy sauce on your beautiful carpet.
Soy sauce stains can leave a big dark blemish on your carpet and can really destroy its appearance.
Getting it out isn't a walk in the part either, not only because of its dark color but also for the distinct smell that it leaves behind.
If you are faced with a soy sauce stain, don't worry.
Here are some helpful steps on how to clean it right out of your carpet in a jiffy.
Remove the Excess Soy Sauce - You don't want to spread the stain on your carpet and make it worse.
So the first thing that you'll need to do is remove the excess soy sauce.
For this, you'll need a clean sponge or a clean cloth.
Blot the spill with the sponge or cloth to remove the excess liquid.
Be careful not to rub on the stain though as this will spread the stain instead of making it better.
Apply Some Detergent Cleaning Solution onto the Stain - With the actual stain the only hurdle that's left, you'll need to apply a cleaning agent to help remove it from your carpet.
You can make use of non-bleach household detergents, which works well in removing different kinds of stains.
To do this, just mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of non-bleach detergent to create a cleaning solution.
Then, apply this solution to the stain and start blotting using a clean cloth.
Repeat Step 2 - Sometimes the soy sauce stain will not go without a fight, and you may not be able to remove it completely on your first try.
If this is the case, don't give up.
Apply the detergent cleaning solution to the stain again and repeat step 2 until you have totally removed it.
It may take a few tries but eventually you'll get rid of it.
Rinse the Area - For the last step, rinse the area you just cleaned with water to remove any detergent and soy sauce residue remaining to ensure that your carpet is totally clean.
Soy sauce spills or stains can be removed easily if you act fast and follow the helpful steps above.
With this helpful guide, you'll be able to clean your carpet and be back to eating your Chinese food in front of the TV in no time.

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