To avoid useless marketing don't sell what people aren't looking for, or put another way create what the market is looking for.
Find out what it is people really want and create and market your product to them in that light.
The big fish are the established sites, not just Google there are thousands of sites that are out there primarily aimed at helping you spend your money on useless advertising.
Don't get me wrong they operate above-board and put you as close to the top as they can.
But what good does it do if you're at the top when no one wants what your selling? An effective marketing campaign will consist of many elements and be presented in a neat one dose package that's easily swallowed.
The reader, listener, or viewer will have very little problem understanding what is in it for him.
Your job is to diagnose his problem, tell him that he has a problem and provide a solution to the problem in such a convincing manner that he has no other choice but to purchase the product or take whatever action you are requesting he take.
The campaign will be omnipresent that is all places at the same time.
This causes the potential customer to see your product in multiple locations heightening their curiosity and creating a built-in trust.
Once you have the correct marketing formula you will be unstoppable.
Effective Marketing Plus;
- Active Ingredients: Marketing 72%, Content 12%, Site 9.
4%, Social Media 6.
Other Ingredients: Talent, Knowledge, Follow through, Timing
- As with this and all other product marketing campaigns please use extreme caution.
- Do not attempt to combine campaigns as this may cause disruptions, frequent click backs and bounces.
- Excessive tweets may reduce the effectiveness of the campaign due to tweet-blindness.
- Extended periods of Social Media inactivity may cause a feeling of disconnection, please avoid at all times.
- If while on the campaign you experience a decrease in traffic it may be due to technical failure, please consult your site administrator.
- If your site crashes easily, as an effective campaign may cause an overload in traffic.
- If your ability to respond to multiple emails and product requests is impaired.
- If you find that you must reply to requests while driving or operating heavy machinery.
- If you experience dry mouth or heart palpitations due to an increase in your work load.
Most customers believe that their decision to purchase is based on sound rationale but the reality and our ancient history tell another story.
We buy because our nature tells us that we need it to fill a void and in reality we are usually not consciously involved in the decision-making process.
Find out how to market your product to fill that void.