I spent a fair amount of money chasing an overnight set of six pack abs.
I watched infomercials and I scoped out ads on the Internet which mostly made claims that I could get a ripped stomach with this new gadget or that magic pill.
The truth is none of that stuff worked! I was left discouraged and feeling kind of dumb for believing yet another stupid ad.
And believe it or not, my stomach was actually BIGGER! How the heck could that have happened? I have learned several things about what it really takes to get six pack abs.
I'd like to share them with you because I'm hoping that you can maybe avoid wasting the same amount of time and money that me and so many others have wasted:
- There is NO scientific evidence that any pill will give you a set of ripped abdominal muscles.
- Focusing on ab exercises DOES NOT burn belly fat! It does strengthen and tone your muscles which can actually push the fat out further and make your stomach look even bigger.
That's what happened to me! The best workout is nothing like you've been hearing. - Nutrition is actually MORE important than working out! But it's not sufficient enough to just eat healthy.
There are specific fat burning foods you can eat, in specific amounts at specific times. - The #1 reason why people fail to get six pack abs has nothing to do with diet or exercise! It is because they failed to develop the proper mindset to achieve their goals.
This is the single most overlooked aspect of getting six pack abs!!!
You just need to commit to a little work and learn the secrets that even most personal trainers don't know.
I scoured the Internet for the TRUTH and I finally found it! I got my six pack abs and so can you!