There is an adage saying that the best way to succeed is to follow who succeeded. These are the most common characteristics of smokers who successfully quit smoking-for good. Here are the ideal features and examples of successful quitters. 1.) Successful quitters admit to themselves that they do need support and help to stop smoking. 2.) They are continuing and unwavering to finally quit, he even takes them on numerous attempts before they finally close forever. 3.) They are totally motivated to quit the habit. They finally decided to accomplish all that is needed to overpower the habit completely, without any chances of reversing.
4.) They are very determined to bear the inconvenience of the adjustments of the initial process of kicking the habit, knowing that they would be rewarded the benefits of freedom and good health. 5.) Effective quitters fully believe that they do have a choice and the capacity to stop the habit-forever because they believe in themselves. 6.) Effective quitters know and understand the advantages and benefits of drinking a lot of water and they discipline themselves to do so. 7.) Successful smokers quit and set a certain date for that. Once they already set that date, they stop making lame excuses to further extend and resume their harmful habits.
8.) Successful quitters are honest and sincere with themselves and refuse to make excuses, that the 'excuse' of smoking. They understand and realize the realities and hazardous effects related to smoking. 9.) Successful quitters normally left friends to support them. They may be individuals to help them quit smoking at the same time. 10.) Successful quitters also reward themselves for their sacrifices. They ask for their achievements, as several ways as they could. 11.) Successful quitters refuse to go back to their destructive habit. They ultimately decided to throw away their cigarettes, their ash trays, their lighters and any other things that might remind them of their harmful habit.
They also let their families and loved ones know that they stopped smoking for good. They have created for themselves the sheer guts and spirit to stop smoking forever. 12.) In their effort and pursuit to finally put an end to their smoking habits, they make use of proven mental techniques such as quit smoking hypnosis methods to be more effective. 13.) Successful quitters also help others to finally quit smoking as well. They cultivate and build a sense of duty and friendship to share their improvement with other people, because they were once like them, they've been there before, so they understand what they are going through.
But some people who are not as successful, on the other hand, usually ask-- What is in it for me?" 14.) Successful quitters accept and acknowledge their own errors and they are determined to change for their own betterment. They assume full responsibility and accountability for their habit of smoking. They don't blame it on their families, friends, and the media or on cigarette companies. 15.) And most importantly, no matter what he or she or any other situation they may be in, the successful quitter never takes another single cigarette puff-ever. They know and understand too well that it would only take one single puff that could be harmful and could completely ruin all those hardships and sacrifices that they have done so far.
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