Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Save Energy and Cash With These Quick and Easy Tips

There are several different ways to save energy and reduce your energy bills at the same time.
Many people think you have to spend a lot of money on expensive energy saving appliances and devices in order to cut your energy bill and save more energy in your home, however, that's not the case.
If you cannot afford to switch to more energy efficient appliances you can still save a lot of money by making a few small changes that will not break your budget and will improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your energy bill, saving you not only energy but money too.
Making small changes in your home and your everyday life can add up to make a big difference in your energy use and the amount you pay for energy every month.
First, you will need to properly weatherize your home, meaning you need to make improvements to protect against the weather.
Having your home properly insulated is a big factor in reducing energy consumption.
If your home is not properly insulated or requires more insulation you may want to stop at your local hardware store to pick up some and install it under your floors, in your attic and behind walls.
Insulation helps keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, so it is very important to home energy.
It is also an easy way to help you save money on heating and cooling costs.
Take inventory of how many windows you have that you would like to replace.
If you have draft areas where air could be escaping from your house you should seal the openings immediately.
You can seal cracks around doors and windows with weather stripping and you can fill all other cracks or holes with inexpensive spray foam from your local hardware store.
Weather stripping and spray foam are both inexpensive items that can be found at any hardware store and even at other retail stores throughout the U.
Some other great tips on how to save energy include very simple things like remembering to keep all doors and windows closed so no energy is lost due to it escaping out an open door or window.
It is also recommended to keep your thermostat set at one temperature consistently.
Continuously turning the temperature up or down on a thermostat will waste your energy and cost more.
Choose a comfortable temperature for both summer and winter months, for example 69 degrees will most likely be a comfortable temperature for both the winter (when it's much colder outside) and summer (when it's much warmer outside).
Moving your thermostat's temperature to extreme temperatures will make it work harder and thus use more energy, so set the temperature and forget it.
If you're cold inside the house during the winter months, instead of turning the temperature up opt for covering up under a blanket or potentially even purchasing an electric blanket and set it on low.
Just remember to unplug an electric blanket when not using it so you don't waste any electricity.
One good idea to save money and reduce your energy costs is to switch older light bulbs for more energy efficient light bulbs that use less energy and provide comparable lighting.
Energy efficient light bulbs aren't much more expensive than the older light bulbs and will last a lot longer and save you more money on energy.
Look for sales on the light bulbs and stock up on them when there's a sale.
You can even find coupons for these energy efficient light bulbs occasionally.
Speaking of lighting, it is also a good idea to turn lights off when you leave a room.
You should also turn off all electronics that you are not using.
If you are cold inside the house in the winter months, instead of turning the temperature up opt for covering up under a blanket or potentially even purchasing an electric blanket and set it on low.
Replacing your windows can also make a big difference in energy costs.
Buying replacement windows doesn't have to cost a lot and you can recoup the cost you invested from the savings you will get from having more energy efficient windows that will keep the cost of energy use down.
Assess your current windows to see if they need to be replaced.
Many older homes have older windows that could be causing you to lose energy.
Take a count of how many windows you have that you would like to replace.
If you cannot afford to purchase new replacement windows for every window in your house, buy them one or two at a time as you can save up the money and afford to buy them.
Check with your local hardware store to see if they offer a class or manual on how to install windows and check into installing the windows yourself.
If you have the know how to install windows yourself then you don't have to pay for someone else to install them in your house.
You will save money if you can install the windows by yourself or with the help of family and friends.
If you are interested in purchasing replacement windows, and need them installed, you can try a replacement window specialist to save both money and time.
Try to find a company who sizes the windows in the factory instead of onsite.
This, of course, saves installation time, materials (like replacing siding, etc) and money.

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