Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Live in the Present

Learning how to live in the present means your awareness in centered in the here and now.
You don't worry about the future or dwell on the past.
Living in the present means you are living where life is happening.
The past and the future are illusions - they don't exist.
Tomorrow is only a concept, waiting around the corner, in the shadows that light will never shine on because time is always now.
By mastering the skill of living in the present you will change your life.
Not living in the present means you are living an illusion.
Too often we worry about things that have not happened yet or regret mistakes we have made.
Your emotional well-being and physical health will improve if you live in the present.
Accepting life as it comes and not how you wish it to be is living in the present.
Forgive yourself for your past mistakes, have peace of mind knowing what should happen will happen.
When you live in the past or future you give up your personal power.
You are giving up your life if you do not live in the present.
If you want to change your life the only place to start is the present.
Accepting life as it is is the first step to living in the present.
There are five ways for you to start living in the present.
Finding balance and following these simple steps will allow you to start living in the present.
When living in the moment there is an urge to quiet your mind.
When you try to quiet your mind you actually disturb it.
You should simply witness your thoughts as if they are just sound, without judgment.
Remember there are not bad or good thoughts - think of them as just noise.
You are not your thoughts.
We believe we are the dialogue that is in our heads and we identify ourselves with our thoughts.
You are so much more than your thoughts; you are the force that moves through your body, spirit and mind.
Realizing this will overcome your fear of silence and quietness and then you can be at peace when your mind is quiet.
Breathing is neither involuntary nor voluntary, it is something you do and it is something that occurs naturally without thinking.
Practice controlled breathing and you will bring your mind to the present.
Meditate to music to clear your mind and bring it to the present.
Practicing mindfulness is the staple of living in the present.
To practice mindfulness mean practicing our awareness of our actions, all of them.
Focus on what you are doing whether it be tying your shoes or drying the dishes.
Live in the moment and forget the distractions of bills that are due on calls we need to return.
Practice these steps and you will learn to live in the present.

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