Teaching your dog to do tricks is more than just fun; it is essential to promoting good behavior.
For the best training results, you must be patient and consistent.
Always reward your dog with praise and the occasional treat.
Here are some of the tricks my dogs know and how I taught them.
Shake Begin by having your dog sit.
Reach your out and take hold of your dog's paw while saying, "Shake".
Praise him and repeat.
After a while all you have to do is reach out your hand and say "Shake" and your dog will readily put his paw in your hand.
Fetch Fetch is one most dogs do naturally.
All you are really doing is getting your dog to associate the word "fetch" with going to get something.
Throw a ball (or your dog's favorite toy) you would like your dog to retrieve.
He will go get it and return it to you.
If you dog does not fetch the ball, throw the ball again and run with your dog to ball.
Make sure you give your dog a treat every time he brings you the ball.
Before you know it, you can throw the ball and your dog will automatically fetch it for you.
Before you know it you can begin to stop giving your dog treats as rewards by only giving them a treat every other retrieval, then every 3 retrievals and so on.
Keep calm and stay patient.
Remember to be consistent with all commands and rewards.
Before you know it, your dog will be doing all the tricks you could want!
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