If Thomas Edison were alive today he would provide a great resource on what to do when it seems like failure is the norm.
Edison made a lot of money from his improvements to existing inventions and he was clear that those improvements came at a great price, but he also provided great encouragement when he said that if we were able to do all the things we are capable of we would astound ourselves.
When Edison's lab facility burned down he is reported to have said that the event was simply putting past failures aside and finding a second chance at getting things right.
Edison had the ability to stick to his work and still find it enjoyable.
He apparently enjoyed hard work and discovering new ways to do things.
His should be the attitude of all who engage in moneymaking ideas.
One of the things I have stressed in developing an idea is to look at yourself first.
Determine what you are most interested in and what skills you bring to the table.
If you don't possess the skills you need for a moneymaking idea then you either need to move on to a new idea or learn some new skills.
Some of the best moneymaking ideas will be ones that blend your natural skills and interests with a business.
Interestingly there are many instances where an individual will make the incorrect assumption that in order to be successful they need to do what everyone else is doing.
Sometimes, like Edison, your best course of action might be taking an entirely different road to moneymaking success.
Think about this logically, if everyone is involved in an up and coming wealth enhancement idea then there are probably too many people doing it.
Find something different that fits your style and see where it takes you.
It's true, you might have setbacks and you may have to learn a few things along the way, but you can relax a bit knowing that what you are doing connects well with your ambitions and interests.
The fact that you learn from your mistakes may ultimately make you an expert in your field.
It's not that I wish you to be unsuccessful, but if you simply follow a foolproof manual on making money then you never get to experience the thrill of coming up with a creative solution on your own.
The outgrowth of your experience can ultimately serve to help others who may want to design a business similar to yours.
At that point you may move from simple business ownership to the role of consultant or seminar speaker.
How did we take such big strides in the course of one paragraph? Because when you do something you love to do, it shows? When it shows, others notice? When they notice, they want to know more? When they want to know more, they are likely to pay for the information.
If they are willing to pay for the information, you have a secondary moneymaking business.
Business logic is a good thing.
Edison knew this and it still makes sense in the 21st century.
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