Back Braces - Why They Can Help After Surgery 1.
) Let's Start At The Beginning - Your Back Problem It all starts with some kind of a back problem.
You either have pain or you have some sort of problem that is causing numbness in your lower extremities.
If you are lucky enough to not have pain or numbness, then your doctor might have gotten to you early enough to spot a problem that will progress.
) Next Step - You Follow Through With A Surgery Not everyone is a candidate for surgery, but many of us do need to have a procedure done due to the severity of the back problem.
So you have the surgery and although your physician might be great, and the construct that they have in place is ideal, you may be worried that you might turn or bend the wrong way and ruin it! 3.
) Now The Need For A Back Brace! There are many different kinds of back braces on the market.
After a surgery though, it is highly recommended that you do not take any short cuts.
It is very important that you work with a licensed orthosist (brace provider) at this point.
Ideally, you can work with the orthotist before surgery so you will have the brace ready to go the second you get out of your surgical procedure.
- If however, you do not work with them before the surgery then do not worry.
Many times orthotists visit people after surgery and you will not be worse for it.
Due to the nature of the surgery and back problem, the orthotist and your doctor will devise a plan that is optimal for your spine.
Sometimes a person does not need a custom back brace and a prefabricated device can be used to help act as a quick reminder to avoid poor posture, for a patient.
At other times, it is important a patient get a custom fabricated TLSO.
These braces can help to provide optimal support and help a patient really avoid bending or twisting movements.
- Why is this important? - Well, when a brace acts as more than a reminder, you will be able to prevent an accidental movement that can ruin the surgery that was performed by your surgeon.
How important is that to you? - If a brace could prevent you from having a second surgery, would it be important to you? The correct back brace can also help to reduce your pain levels before and after a surgery and this is yet another reason why you should consider getting one.
) Getting a Back Brace Near You Many individuals will tell you that they have a back brace that is ideal for you, but it is ideal to visit an orthotist in your area.
A licensed orthotist.
These individuals have fit more braces (for the entire body) than they can remember and they have to fight for their license which is great for your well being! - Rigorous tests need to be passed and years of experience can go in before these individuals earn their degree.
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