In these modern times of advanced technology and modern conveniences you would think that we would have an abundance of energy in reserve but the true facts are just the opposite.
Because of processed foods we consume far too much sugar that saps our energy. Preservatives and additives plus growth hormones not to mention the chemicals that are sprayed on our fruits and vegtables all add to our loss of energy.
The number two most searched category on the web is about our weight. Way down the list is your energy levels and how to increase it.
Energy loss or fatigue can be due to a multitude of reasons so let me say that a visit to your doctor may be in order to eliminate the numerous diseases that can cause fatigue, tiredness, malaise,and lack of energy. Once you get a clean slate from any underlying medical problems you are free to explore the advice given in this book with a clear conscious and begin to feel better within days.
If you are tired of being tired than this book is for you. You can deal with the symptoms of chronic fatigue without caffeine, antidepressants, histamines,hormones or those awful sports drinks that contain ginseng and hoodia.
Let me dispell the myth that being tired is a function of growing old and that it happens to everybody.I'm here to tell you that you are just as capable of getting up in the morning and full of energy just as you did as a young person.
If you are ready to get your energy back and feel great than this book is for you.
Being tired all of the time is not normal. In fact exhaustion and fatigue are actually symptoms of depression.
I am amazed that despite all of the material on the market today about health and fitness that there is very little written about how to increase your energy. This is what this book is about.
Feel enthusiastic and energetic again and in only 7 days. "Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels in 7 Days" deals with all the physical and psychological causes of fatigue.
The old cliche of "you are what you eat" is so true when it comes to fueling your energy levels. The book goes into detail about your diet.
Our intake of sugar has drastically increased over the years and this adversly affects our energy levels.
Learn how to extract the maximum amount of energy, nutrition and vitality from the foods that you eat.
Saturated fats can make you feel exhausted. Caffeine only peps you up temporarily only to give you a let down.
Your mother was right when she said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day.
Learn the relationship between lack of sleep and stress and how it causes loss of energy.
How having just a 15 minute nap is better than no nap at all when it comes to sustaining your energy.
How dark should your bedroom be?
How much exercise is enough to make you livelier.
Learn the exact amounts aerobic or cardiovascular exercises you need each week.
Also, learn how hypnotherapy and yoga come into play.
This book is a step by step plan to get you on a new vibrant and energetic life.
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