Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Do I Make a Guy Want Me? 4 Effective Ways to Make a Guy Want Me

Are you a lonesome Juliet who is looking to finally hook up with her life's Romeo? Have you constantly looked at yourself in the mirror and asked your reflection so many times over and over: How do I make a guy want me? So how indeed? Isn't it amazing to realize that there are several girls out there who are really guy magnets? That they really attract a lot of guys to them without giving too much effort and most surprising of all, they seem not to care? Or since they have gotten so used to attracting male attention they do not notice it any longer? Well there are actually a few effective ways to your question; how do I make a guy want me? #1.
The first thing that you always have to keep in mind for men to come hovering in your direction is that you have to make them feel good about themselves.
It does not matter if you are not that good looking.
The secret to a man's heart is not exactly through his stomach, as the old saying goes.
It is through his head.
Make him feel like he is the only person that matters.
When he talks, drop what you are doping and look into his eyes and listen to him.
Encourage him to express himself, ask questions that would pique his interests.
Make him feel like he is in charge.
Even though he is not.
Another tip answering the how do I make a guy want me question is to make yourself attractive.
Not only physically but develop your attitude and personality as well.
Make sure that you are the proactive, positive type.
Guys shy away from whiny, complaining, weepy girls.
It sure works but men will soon get tired of playing knight in shining armour to your damsel in distress drama.
That gets old fast and you would want to keep his attention from wandering off.
Guys go for women who are assertive and self reliant.
Someone who will not be emotionally dependent on him and would not be too clingy and smother him in the long run.
He gets enough smothering from his mother already and would not need you to do more of it.
Guys are most attracted to women playing hard to get.
They have it programmed in their genes, after all.
Make him feel that you are interested by sending out small, discreet signals, sending him alluring signs that say: I am interested in you and I am available.
Casual flirting is fun and harmless as long as you do not go overboard with it.
Plus, it will help you from asking yourself those how do I make a guy want me questions later on in your life.
Compliment him, Flip your hair to one side to flash him a view of your long, smooth neck, maintain eye contact and laugh and smile at his jokes and stories.
How do I make a guy want me? By simply being yourself and enjoying every chance of getting to know this man of your dreams.

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