- 1). Determine the size of pew cone you wish to make and purchase the correct diameter and length from the local craft supply store. Styrofoam cones work best for pew cones as you can easily stick floral pins into them and they withstand a few drops of hot glue. Styrofoam cones are usually in the flower arranging section of the craft store. A 12-inch cone is ideal for pew markers.
- 2). Cover the cone with fabric by wrapping the fabric around the cone and securing in place at the top (widest part) with floral pins. Make sure the pins are pushed all the way into the top of the cone and that the fabric is as wrinkle free as possible. The ideal fabric for pew cones is satin in the accent colors of the wedding. Satin can be slippery to work with and concentration and a steady hand are necessary to cover the cone securely. Don't expect to get it right the first time.
- 3). Wrap contrasting ribbon around the length of the cone in a crisscross pattern to add depth and eye appeal to the base. Use floral pins or a thin line of fabric glue to hold the ribbon in place. Pearl-headed floral pins look the best.
- 4). Soak pew holder (also available in floral section of the craft store) in room temperature water to saturate and keep flowers fresh. Skip this step if working with artificial flowers.
- 5). Arrange flowers into the green foam part of the pew holder as desired. Consider mixing flowers with trailing leaves and spray to give a fuller look to the final marker. Its always a good to play around with the flowers before settling on one design.
- 6). Push the ends of the filled pew holder into the large base of the prepared cone. Push until the edges of the cone and holder meet and then secure in place with a few drops of hot glue. Be sure to avoid the actual flowers when using the hot glue gun. Allow to dry.
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