Health & Medical Acne

Acne Scars and Their Treatment

For many people, the embarrassing effects of acne are not temporary.
Scarring can leave people with the after-effects of acne for their entire lives.
But now, thanks to many technological and medical advances, there is hope for those who suffer from acne scarring.
Thanks to a classification released in 2001, people can now identify which type of scarring they suffer from.
Once the scarring is recognized, individuals can then seek specific treatment for their scars.
Rolling Scars - This scarring occurs when the subcutaneous tissue below the surface of the skin becomes tethered.
The way to treat this type of scarring is by breaking up the subcutaneous fibrous bands.
Boxcar Scars - These oval-to-round shaped scars have sharp vertical edges.
The deeper scars will require full-thickness skin treatment while shallower scars can be treated with skin resurfacing techniques.
Ice Pick Scars - These narrow, sharp scars give the appearance that the skin has been repeatedly punctured by a sharp tool.
With this type of scarring, laser resurfacing or dermabrasion are usually the only forms of effective treatment.
Once the classification of scarring is determined, specific treatments should be sought: Dermal Fillers - Injections into the skin cause the skin of the scars rise, giving your face a more even look.
Common fillers include: fat, human collagen, and bovine collagen.
This is a temporary solution and will need to be repeated.
Subcutaneous Incision - This procedure is used to break up rolling scars.
A needle is used to go underneath the skin and cut the tethering bands.
This can cause bruising for up to a week.
Laser Resurfacing - A popular treatment for many skin defects.
A laser is used to essentially burn the top layer of skin to a certain depth.
As the skin heals, it replaces the burned layer of skin with a fresh layer.

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