Home & Garden Gardening

All About Maintaining Your Swimming Pool

Having a swimming pool in your backyard is a great idea indeed. But when it comes to the maintenance, it can be really tough. Most people usually fail due to the lack of awareness and technical know-how regarding the maintenance of a swimming pool. It is very essential that you should follow a routine pool maintenance procedure at a regular interval in order to keep your swimming pool safe and clean. This will also help you to prevent any future emergencies of adding chemicals and will save you a great deal of money too. Otherwise find out any professional swimming pool contractor and outsource the work to them.

Here are some guidelines which will help you to take care of your swimming pool.

Adding Chlorine: The best way to test the pool water for chlorine adequacy is to smell it closely. Because when we add chlorine to water some stays free and some are attached to other water molecules to form combined chlorines. These combined chlorines has a strong odor and dont serve our purpose. But those free chlorines actually do the job of cleaning and disinfecting the pool water. So it is very important to add sufficient chlorines gradually to the pool water. It is also a best practice to use automatic or floating chlorine feeders for adding chlorines in steady and safer way.

Maintaining the pH level: It is very important to maintain the acid level of a swimming pool. If the acid or pH level of pool water goes high or low it can damage your pool equipments and is even harmful to your skin. According to the guidelines of public water systems the pH level should be 7.4-7.6 for Tiled, Pebble, Marbelsheen and Quartz rendered pool and it should be 7.2-7.6 for Vinyl, Fiberglass, Painted and Ceramacrete pools.

Checking Alkalinity: Checking for the alkalinity level of water once in a week is also of utmost important as the acidity level. The alkaline chemicals added to the water mainly help to balance the pH level. The alkaline level should be between 80-150ppm (parts per million) depending on the kind of pool you have.

Checking for the Calcium Hardness: You also need to balance the calcium hardness of pool water and check it at least once in a year. The calcium hardness should be between 150-300ppm.

Besides all of the above things you also need to clean and brush the pool walls and tiles regularly to prevent building up any dirt and algae, cleaning the surface using a pool net for any floating dirt and making sure that all the swimming pool equipments are functioning properly without any leakage or any other trouble.

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