Sexual intercourse is an activity that consumes the entire being (body, soul, and spirit).
The mind conjures and transmits to the body where physical action is carried out.
In order to perform its own side of the function, the body must be in a perfect state of health- mentally and physically.
Good and nutritional diet must be consumed to nourish the body.
Also, great effort must be made to avoid the ingestion of harmful products such as hard drugs, harmful beverages and unbalanced diets.
Every effort must be made to prepare the body for an enjoyable sexual encounter.
You must spare no effort to plan the type of sexual satisfaction you want to achieve long before the event.
Sexual ecstasy is never an accident it is planned.
Alcohol is one beverage with a lot of power to influence your actions.
It could blur or sometimes totally alter a cause of action.
When consumed minimally it serves some useful purposes however, excessive consumption of alcohol may actually be the cause of your Premature Ejaculation.
How Alcohol aid premature ejaculation: Excessive alcohol tends not to encourage the consumption of healthy foods.
It also encourages weight gain especially to the belly.
This is so because alcohol contains great amount of negative calorie.
You will agree that it takes a healthy man to perform well sexually.
• Extreme alcohol consumption blurs one sense of judgment and fantasies.
It may also leads to tiredness, impaired judgment and a general state of body weakness.
None of these conditions are favorable for a vibrant sexual performance.
• When a man is sexually aroused, adequate blood flow is important to maintain an erection.
With excessive alcohol, liver, kidneys, and more importantly the hearth, can be severely weakened, hindering the body's ability to circulate, process and purify the blood.
• I think this is of vital importance as every man who has been actively engaged in sex will testify that it takes extreme energy to perform.
Little wonder that most men get completely drained of energy after sex.
• There are psychological issues that can cause premature ejaculation, which are related to drinking.
Often, most alcoholics do so when they are depressed or unhappy.
When you then combine that state of mind with alcohol, these problems can enhance premature ejaculation.
• It has been shown that excessive alcohol can accelerate the speed at which brain cells die.
This can have negative impact on the man and the area of his brain that controls ejaculation and subsequently resulting in recurrent premature ejaculation.
• Alcoholic cadio-myopathy is a heart disease: a disease of the heart muscle caused by prolonged exposure to the toxic effects of alcohol or its byproduct.
Of course, there is a very high chance that one who indulges in alcohol long enough may be a candidate.
With heart disease of such magnitude, maximum performance in sexual intercourse will be the first casualty.
Alcoholics are, however, advised to seek medical help if they decided to put a stop to alcoholism.
This is important in order to avoid the consequences of Alcohol withdrawal syndrome usually caused by sudden withdrawal from alcohol.
The unpleasant complex may include anxiety, sweating, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, disorientation.
Premature ejaculation could be our body's ways of complaining and protesting the intense abuse some of us subject the body to.
Learn to treat the body with some consideration and it surely serves us well.
Premature ejaculation is not an incurable ailment.
A little consideration on our part will go a long way in saving us from embarrassment.
Take good care of your body and it will not disappoint during sexual intercourse.
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