Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Dating Secrets, How To Get Beautiful Girls Easily, Do Not Be Alone Any More

Most guys who have trouble with women have a preconception about how all the game players out there manage to pick up so many numbers, go on so many dates, and be successful day after day after day.

They think there are secret lines, insider strategies and a series of interesting things to say that only the top dogs can pull off. They look for those secret lines and tips and they end up striking out even harder when they don't work.

If you've been there, you have a problem.

Attraction is not a science with variables and set rules. It is an art form and like any artist, you need to have a feel for your craft on the inside.

You need to feel what you are doing and make it work for yourself. Seriously, how many people do you think can recite lines and land a woman that's incredibly attractive and gets approached a dozen times every time she goes out?

It's not many, and those guys probably have some superficial benefits on their side. Flip it around and take a closer look at the guys who are successful night after night.

They feel their success on the inside.

They're not just some losers who spout nonsense over and over again. They are confident dudes that feel the inner belief and power they need to go up to a woman and show her they are ready to consider HER.

There are some keys to making this happen. First, stop worrying what other people think of you. When you relax and show your confidence, it doesn't matter what the other guys in the bar think. If you pick up the girl, their opinion is obviously meaningless.

You've also got to show any woman you talk to that they need to earn you. You're the commodity here and they need to show that they are worthy of being near you, even as a friend. Don't bow down to a woman's whims or fall for her constant tests to see who is in charge.

You also need to show that you've got the power to make instant, decisive actions. You're not Hamlet you're a guy who makes decisions as soon as you know what you want. Never be afraid to go for what you want. If you are, you'll never need to worry about what happens next.

Convincing the ladies is not as hard as you think.

Most guys assume that making their impression on a woman is a long, arduous process because in the past, the only times they succeeded where extremely tough and seemed almost like coincidences.

It's because you're trying too hard. Of course it seems hard if you keep trying so hard to get anything done. So, stop chasing the woman. Stop putting so much energy into impressing her.

Be yourself, be confident in your own attractiveness and be funny and engaging. She will soon (very soon, trust me) start to chase after you, even if just a little bit.

As soon as you can trigger that curiosity on her part, she'll be yours and the process will be infinitely easier for you going forward. Less money spent, less time spend backtracking or apologizing, and less women instantly deciding "meh, never mind" when you cannot figure out why.

If you're really interested in learning what the problem is, stop wondering and start making changes. She needs to see that you're a man with power and character. Do that, and the rejections will dry up. Trust me in that.

That's all, simple isn't it? There are literally DOZENS and DOZENS of more ways to attract the ladies!

To know all the secrets to get beautiful girls , Visit:

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