Securing voice over work is often easier said than done.
According to one US survey voice over work in its various guises is an $8.
1 billion industry.
Now with the power of the Internet it has become increasingly competitive with digital audio pieces being sent fully produced from all over the world to satisfied clients, being local is no longer the advantage it once was.
One has to question whether using an agent in the industry can really secure you more voice over work.
In exploring this topic, I will be focusing on three key points: • Determine 'Organic' Versus 'Offshoot' Voice Over Agents • Have A Thick Skin When Talking To Agents • Be Persistent - But not a Pest Determine 'Organic' Versus 'Offshoot' Voice Over Agents There are organic agents and offshoot agents.
Organic agents have built up large businesses through networking and establishing deep rooted working relationships.
Offshoot agents can be those who have siphoned contacts whilst working and then started up on their own.
One way of being able to sort through these two 'types' of agents is looking at how long they have been established.
The more established 'organic' voice over agents are the best in my experience, they have seen it all, and they were often the 'root' for many of the 'offshoot' agents.
A useful source of information can be found on Companies House.
The more established agents tend to be a better option as they invariably have the most gravitas with the companies they supply voices to.
However these voice over agents tend to have longer waiting lists.
Have A Thick Skin When Talking To Agents In my experience, I have found that range of agent personalities covers the whole spectrum.
Some can be snobby, as if they can't believe that you dare apply to be on their books.
Others are warm and professional and have a rejection policy that is firm but fair.
You will need to have a thick skin as this is a very competitive industry; so be ready for lots people to say 'No' before you hear someone say 'Yes'.
Be Persistent - But not a Pest My sales experience has taught me something useful - always expand your pool of prospects.
If you are getting hung up about a particular group of companies you would love to work for, then you need to talk to more people.
You may want to note that voice over agents receive about 40+ demos a week.
Persistence is critical, being a pest is not.
In reality you can expect a rejection letter or a scheduled listening session date.
Select your follow-up times carefully and be advised that ringing them constantly is not advised.
Many British voice over agents have big egos as if granting you an audience when speaking to them.
Keep it professional, polished and if need be keep it moving.
In summary, when looking for voice over work you must use the following three points: Research how long voice over agents have been established.
Set realistic expectations from your voice over agent prospecting and be sensitive to when to persist with a prospect and when to back off.
Good luck.
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