- 1). Pinch off a piece of the first part of the silicone and an equal-sized piece of the second part. Mix the two parts together until they form a uniform color without any streaks or bubbles.
- 2). Divide the silicone in half. Make sure each half is as thick as the ring that you want to mould.
- 3). Roll each half into a ball shape. Flatten each ball slightly into a circular shape. Make the circles about ¼-inch wider than the widest part of the ring.
- 4). Press the ring half way into the top of one circle. Place the circle onto a flat surface. Press the second circle over the ring, completely hiding it. Take care not to fuse the two sides of the mould together, but you do want to make sure the sides line up evenly.
- 5). Poke a hole about ¼-inch wide into the side of the mold with a stick. Open the hole until you can see part of the ring through the mold. This will be where you will pour the liquid into the mold to create the new ring.
- 6). Allow the mould to harden for 24 hours. Open the mould. Remove the ring from inside the mould. Apply a line of fast-drying glue along one side of the mould. Place the second half of the mold on top of the first half, fusing the two sides of the mould together. Allow the glue to dry for two hours before pouring any liquids into the mould.
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