- 1). Trace two handprints and one footprint onto brown construction paper. When you trace your footprint, be sure that you have a shoe on, so that it will form a rounded shape.
- 2). Cut out the two handprints and one footprint using scissors.
- 3). Place the footprint on a flat surface with the toe section pointing up.
- 4). Glue the two handprints to the edges of the top of the footprint, with the fingers pointing out. These will form the antlers of your reindeer and should be pointing out in opposite directions.
- 5). Attach the two wiggly craft eyes to the front of the footprint under the antlers.
- 6). Use glue to apply the red craft pompom nose to the front of the footprint reindeer, underneath the eyes.
- 7). Draw a smiley mouth on the front of the hand and foot reindeer.
- 8). Display your reindeer on a wall, or apply some magnet pieces to the back of the reindeer with glue, and hang it up on your fridge.
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