Facial psoriasis is a nasty problem that causes itching and a scaled rash.
Usually, it can be found on the eyebrows, on top of the upper lip and along the hair line.
In severe cases, there can even be open lesions.
Both men and women can fall victim to facial psoriasis and it typically occurs in teenagers and young adults.
To make matters worse it usually goes away and recurs at around fifty years of age.
The reason that facial psoriasis occurs is that the skin cells on the outer layer of skin reproduce faster than they should, under normal circumstances.
It can be caused by a variety of factors including poor genes, emotional problems (such as stress, trauma or worrying) and the environment.
Other things that can cause psoriasis to develop are: sunburn, compromised immune system, viral rashes, medications, sunburn, cold/dry weather, smoking, drinking and bug bites.
If you think you might have psoriasis then you should go talk to your doctor.
They will perform a biopsy and examine the lesions on your face to be sure that you are not suffering from another skin disease.
If you do have facial psoriasis then the doctor might prescribe a steroid cream (hydrocortisone cream) to apply to the lesions and rash.
Make sure that you are careful with these creams because long term use can cause your skin to thin out, cause spider veins and produce several other side effects.
Make sure that you discuss the risks with the doctor before you decide to go this route.
Using natural products on the skin is the safest route to take.
They do not have the side effects and will not cause long term damage to your skin.
Spirulina is often used because it is helpful in promoting skin metabolism and makes fine lines disappear.
Dandelion is also a good choice because it detoxifies the skin and cleans the blood and lymphatic system.
The result is moistened skin because of dandelions hydrating qualities.
Horsetail and rosemary can give your skin a better texture and improve the skin tone.
Kali sulph and silicea give nourishment to the skin cells and help to balance the fluids in the soft skin tissues.
While you are waiting for the herbs or medication to do their job you can apply makeup that is specifically manufactured for facial psoriasis sufferers.
Try to keep your stress levels low and get plenty of sleep and relaxation.
Make sure that you get a little bit of sun.
This will help to slow the skin cells from turning over.
Make sure that you don't get too much because sunburn is another problem in itself.
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