Ironic how that is now popular in this society where women often proclaim themselves to be the 'baddest bitch'. Can you see what's going on and what kind of alpha female role models of behavior we have?
Women look up to this standard and want to be just like those women even though it's all a social fantasy driven by the profit of a few.
The women who adapt spend all kinds of money to look, act and behave like their Social Alpha models.
Few to no women in our society want to be the perfect wife or the ultimately natural mother anymore (who is the only one who can keep a family together) because society influenced them otherwise from their Junior year onward for it's own agenda.
And our women don't know this. They just know what they saw in their behavioral reality and just adapted to it..they have no other reference point. They saw the behavior of men which further reinforced this behavioral reality.
You didn't necessarily 'adapt' to it like women do (who are the response in mating), rather it more than likely just confused the hell out of you like it did me.
Our women don't have the invaluable benefit of cultural differentiation and even if they wanted to be a natural and pure woman who was happier in all regards, there's no environment to support that in our influential socio-cultural reality.
Unfortunately, once they 'develop' and adapt there is no turning back.
Instead, our women are closer to governing over men in all of their relationships or wanting to be the 'baddest bitch'.
What on earth happened to real love? What happened to real relationships?
What happened to family values? What happened to commitment? What happened to devotion? Why do we have a 50%+ divorce rate? What happend to happiness?
what happened when people can only find a fragment of joy representationally in an Elmo doll when they can't experience the most valuable thing in their life daily? What on earth happened?
Two words: Social. Influence. Social Influence.
It's not about pure, open win/win interdependence like a barter society used to be. The concept of social has become a hierarchy of power, influence, manipulation and status.
So when women want to be the 'baddest' bitch please know that this is 100% derived from their socio-cultural adaptation and influence. It will spare your own sanity.
The reason men fail with women is because they have the wrong alpha models of female sexuality in the first place.
A woman's true sexuality is dormant, hidden, understated, repressed and behaviorally UNevident. I can show you this truth and when you see it and reframe your reality around it, you will massively attract even the women who are trying to rise the social ladder to be the 'baddest bitch'.
You'll be their only escape from the social game that they live..their only chance to experience their remaining natural beauty and truth.
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