If you are still in fact in love with your ex, and you believe they are not willing to even consider a reconciliation, you must first be capable of understanding if your ex even holds any emotion or possible love for you still by paying attention to how they react to you.
If you're telling friends and family "I'm still in love;my ex is not", then you can be sure that this will get back around to your ex somehow soon. Your ex partners reactions to your advances or even discussions about the reasons why your relationship was finished will show key indications of emotion and reactions. The opposite of love is not hate or anger... but total and complete indifference.
When you can say "I'm still in love, my ex just hates me and won't even talk", this can actually be a great sign. For starters, you cannot know for certain if your ex really doesn't love you. In which case it's very difficult to tell either way. But their reaction to the kinds of things that a family member or friend will tell them when they pass along this information will give you a lot of readings about how they are feeling towards you.
Your ex might of stated they don't in fact love you anymore and it's over for good; but that doesn't mean they are not harboring emotions for you still. Almost all couples will still feel some sort of desire or some level of love for their partner even in spite of a break up, regardless of who broke up and who got broken up with.
So when you are telling a friend or family member of your ex's, "I'm still in love, my ex is not", you are expecting them to pass this along and gage the reaction you get in return to this statement.
If you really do love your ex still, there's that possibility they can love you just the same in return. But only with some fixing of the problems that caused them to leave. Keep in mind that just because you have feelings that are still flickering for each other after a break up, that it's not always a good idea to reconcile. It only means that your relationship has the chance to be fixed, once the problems are addressed and dealt with, for there to be any hope of rekindling what you had lost.
When you focus on understanding what happened and why, you will be better off getting back together. In the future, those reasons might come up again, but can be addressed quickly and faced with the ability to adjust and understand this concept if you wish to make your relationships work.
I strongly urge you to find out how Getting Your Ex Back is not difficult, but rather a simple strategy that can help you learn how to get back that love and passion that can mend most relationships.
This proven strategy can be followed and used for so much more as well.
The system will make all your relationships stronger, and it's also a very powerful technique for the Fastest Way To Get Your Ex Back
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