Devils, Sickness, Disease & Healings
Jesus Christ and the Bible definitely link sickness and disease to demonic oppression (Mark 3:10, 14, 15; Mark 6:7, 13; James 5:14-20). This article will explain the Bible's remedy for such ailments and oppression. A "Healing" Prayer Is Also Given.
Jesus Christ was the most successful exorcist and healer ever. It was Jesus' ministry that link sickness and oppression with Satan's murderous kingdom (John 8:44; Mark 3:10, 14, 15; Mark 6:7, 13; James 5:14-20). Satan well knows that as long a human "walks in the Spirit" evil can not control or oppress them (Galatians 5:16; Matthew 5:16). Christians who obey Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible can expect to live to a "good old" age. There are some cases where a person may die early due to unnatural causes. Yet most oppression comes directly from Satan's dark kingdom. The Bible gives Ways to be healed or delivered from any form of evil oppression.
Some people locate miracle healers. Some get the desired healer. Others are not healed. While others are momentarily healed and gradually return to sickness or disease. The Goal is to walk in the Spirit. Jesus Christ gave Christians authority over Satan's kingdom.
Here's How To Walk In The Spirit (Galatians 5:16):
1) Ensure that your Holy Bible is a direct translation of the languages given from God. Learn this Bible and speak what you are learning out loud into the atmosphere. This is how Jeus defeated Satan (Matthew 4: 1-11).
2) Pray All The Time. Ensure that you know how Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:16-16; Matthew 6:9-13).
3) Remove all negative thoughts, associations and actions (Galatians 5:19-24; 1 Corinthians 6:9-13; 1 John 2:15-17).
4) Think only on Godly thoughts (Philippians 4:7-8).
5) Love and Forgive Others (Matthew 6: 13-15; John Chapter 15).
6) Cultivate the Fruit of God's Spirit (Galtians 5:22-24).
7) Put On The Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).
8) Ask the Holy Spirit To Renew Your Mind In Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-5; Philippians 2:4-7).
9) Praise and Worship God with a Holy Ghost Filled and Bible Believing Church which is known for healing.
You will want to obey God and use Holy Oil (especially for healings and other concerns) ( Mark 6:7, 13; James 5:14-20). Enjoy that the Holy Oil has been prayed over with Bible scriptures by a Holy Ghost filled Christian.
As you begin your "healing" or "deliverance" ceremony begin praising God and worshipping Him. Rejoice as you expect full healing from God. Begin talking to God out loud about His Bible promises concerning Holy Oil, Demonic Expulsion, and Divine Healng ((Mark 3:10, 14, 15; Mark 6:7, 13; James 5:14-20). Be sure to anoint your head with the Holy Oil and place the oil on your troubled area. Some people drink a little or the oil. Fasting for a period of days may help gain your full healing.
Here's a healing prayer you can recite: "Father God I come before you anointed with your Holy Oil. Your Holy Word tellls me if I confess my sins and receive Holy Oil from the church that you will forgive me of my sins and heal me (James 5:14-20). Your Holy Word also tells me that Jesus nailed all curses to the cross (Colossians 2:14; Galatians 3:10-11). Father God I believed that Jesus died for all my maladies and transgressions (Isaiah 53:5). I believe that You are more than willing and able to cast out all evils, infirmities and restore me back to full health (Mark 3:10, 14, 15; Mark 6:7, 13; James 5:14-20). As Jesus gave me authority to do I cast this evil out now. I am healed by the Blood and Authority of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name I Pray. Amen".
May all Christians utilize the Bible's way of dealing with oppression, depression and any other lies from Satan's defeated kingdom.
This article can be freely utilized and edited as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).
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