- 1). Go to the AOL webmail page (see the Resources section of this article) and then type your AOL username and password. Click "Sign in" to log on to your AOL email account. Click the "Sign up for a free account" if you do not have an AOL email account. Follow the guided prompts to create an account.
- 2). Click the "Read" button after logging on to your AOL email account. Click the "Read" icon on the AOL toolbar if you have it installed on your Web browser. This automatically takes you to the inbox. You should see the new and old emails. Click the email that you want to read.
- 3). Click the "Reply" button if you want to send a reply message to a sender. Click "Reply All" if you want to reply the email to everyone listed on the form. Click the "Forward" button if you want to send the email to multiple recipients. Click the "Delete" button if you want to delete the message.
- 4). Click the "Write" button if you want to start a new email. Type your recipient's email address, include a subject and then type your message. Click "Send Now" to send your email. Click the "Send later" button if you want to save the email as a draft and send it when you want to.