Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

Perennial Plants That Flower in July and August

    • A number of perennial plants wait until July and August to bloom. These include wildflowers from across the United States, from those typically found in woodland settings to plants that grow on the prairies and in the mountains. These perennial late-bloomers come from different plant families and their flowers are a variety of colors.


    • Yellow wildflowers that bloom in July and August include many types of monkeyflowers, often found in California. Sunflowers, which will not emerge until July and August, often stand more than 6 feet tall. Yellow coneflowers, like the black-eyed Susan--Maryland's state flower--have large petals called rays emanating from a brown head. Other yellow flowers that do not bloom until July and August include jewelweeds, sneezeweeds, hawkweeds, goldenrods, sticktites, butter and eggs and the evening primrose.


    • Many woodland wildflower species bloom in the spring, but a handful bloom much later, in July and August. Among these are the meadow rues, which can grow to 7 feet tall and have tiny flowers that look like white stars. Another tall white flower that blooms during this time is bugbane, from 4 to 6 feet high and possessing silky white flowers on an erect stalk. Pipsissewas, Canada Mayflower, yarrow, Mayweed, bedstraws and a weed known as wild carrot, or Queen Anne's lace, are other white July and August flowers.


    • Asters and ironweed are two blue flowers that actually bloom later than July and August, coming out in September and even in October, but there are still many blue blooms during this two-month span. Vervains, blazing stars, selfheal, bluecurls, blue toadflax, lobelias and bellflowers are blue to purple flowers of this period of the summer. The state flower of South Dakota---pasqueflower---is a bluish-violet combination on foot-tall stems. Along roadsides in many spots, chicory flourishes in July and August, as does the aquatic blue flowers of the pickerelweed in lakes, ponds and rivers.


    • If you kayak or canoe down a river in July and August you may spy the brilliant red cardinal flower when it finally blooms. Morning glories burst open in the summer dawn and close up at nightfall. Wild pinks grace the meadows and fields in most of the nation. Pink clover flowers most of the growing season, July and August included. Fireweeds, smartweeds, meadow beauties, loosestrife and milkweed are all pinkish or reddish perennials of July and August.

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