- 1). Cut a 5-inch round paper or vinyl doily from one side to the center. Roll the doily to make a cone shape with pointed top. Glue with hot glue. Cut the excess doily off inside the cone. Barely cut the top point off to make a tiny hole. When the glue dries, mash the cone flat and put a crease in the right and left side with the cut line in the back.
- 2). Fold a white pipe cleaner in half. Insert inside the cone, putting the open ends up through the tiny hole. Put a bead of hot glue on the ends of the folded pipe cleaner. Insert these ends into the large pearl bead. Let the bead rest on top of the cone for the angel's head.
- 3). Glue the craft pin on the back of the angel vertically with the opening down. Put a bead of hot glue on the end of the folded pipe cleaner inside the cone. Mash the cone flat against the glue. This will glue the angel's "dress", front and back, to the pipe cleaner.
- 4). Form a little circle of glue on top of the pearl head to make a halo. Sprinkle gold glitter on the "halo" before it dries. Youra pearl angel is now complete.