This was the dream of the Beast and the false prophet.
I was standing in the middle of a desert, no life, and dry, barren, even the wind was hot and without life.
The ground was so dry that the wind blew hot dust against me.
And the only thing there was a tree.
A very large tree, could have been an oak maybe a sage, but very big like a ten-story building, and under the tree stood a man.
It could have been nearly two hundred yards away but I remember the man.
He was tall and thin with very strong hands.
I couldn't see his face but I knew at that distance that this guy had power, not from God but from the earth, a created power.
Suddenly I began moving forward but I didn't want to move forward it was as if the ground became like an escalator and I was just moving in that direction.
Fear is what I felt, fear that was growing the closer I got.
When I got to the edge of the tree the man walked up to me now standing only ten feet away his body was that of a man but now his head was the head of a wolf and he smiled at me.
I never saw a wolf smile before and it was hideous.
He then walked by and then I saw a large black bear.
He spoke in front of people, he healed the sick, those that were blind could see, those that were lame could walk.
They followed him wherever he went and along with the people that followed there were wolves that walked with the people.
They walked like men upright on two feet but they were definitely wolves.
And the people grew to thousands upon thousands, there were people from every nation, tongue and language and they followed the bear and the man.
And then I tried to wake up but I couldn't.
I was stuck somehow in that dream and then I heard a voice behind me when I looked there was a young boy; he was local (meaning that he looked like a young boy from Hawaii would) and he smiled at me, the fear began to leave.
He was an angel and he said, "Don't be afraid it's only a dream, remember?" Yes, I replied.
The boy said, "Behold the beast and his false prophet.
" And when I turned to look at the crowd they were all worshipping the false prophet and the wolves were at the same time devouring the people as they worshipped.
And the man with the wolf head stood there watching the crowds worship and then looked again at me and then I woke up.
I was sweating and my heart was racing.
It took me a while of worshipping God with songs and praise for the fear to leave me.
I had that dream nearly a year ago and it still brings back fear just typing it out now.
But what I remember most about this dream is that I could feel the beast.
When you are in the presence of real authority figures like elected officials or someone of very high importance they carry something that tells you they have power.
I met a four-star general once and he gave off the same power.
It seems that the powers on earth here have the same power as that of the beast.
The beast was a young man I thought he would be in his forties because that is how old a man is when he reaches power on this earth but he was younger, maybe twenties, and the false prophet's age? I couldn't tell he was a bear.
This dream gave no interpretation but the Lord just wanted to show me.
The false prophet is here on earth now and he speaks and he heals.
That is what I remember he has the power to heal.
He isn't well known but he will be, maybe we'll see him on T.
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