Many acne sufferers seeking a good natural acne treatment are relying upon the use of vitamins to fight their acne.
All good, but the emphasis has moved substantially towards the use - or over-use - of vitamin B5 as some sort of miracle anti-acne treatment.
Is it? Not entirely.
No vitamin by itself will cure your acne - no matter what some people may be telling you.
There are, however, some vitamins that play an extremely important role in helping you with a great, natural acne treatment, but only if they are used correctly.
Vitamins are used to help keep your hormones regulated and hormone activity is a key player in acne development.
It is important that your body has a self-regulating hormone regulation system which relies upon vitamins and nutrients to work effectively and keep acne at bay.
This is one reason why diet and healthy lifestyle is so important to treating your acne properly and ensuring that you minimize the risk of acne breakouts.
However, there are some additional factors that can help your battle with acne too.
A good supplement and multi-vitamin regime can be successful in treating your acne naturally.
As always, it depends on the nature of your acne and your skin type.
The role of vitamin B5 is based on the fact that acne breakouts are caused by high fat diets, which lead to issues when fat is not digested or properly used within the body.
If it is not metabolized then it can (and does) contribute to acne breakout.
The metabolizing process in the body uses coenzyme A, which is formed from a synthesis of substances that include Vitamin B5.
A lack of B5 means there is going to be a lack of coenzyme A.
The result of that is that the body fats are not being processed properly.
If the body fats do not break down then they will be deposited in your sebaceous (oil) glands.
This results in the production or secretion of sebum (oil).
The p.
acne bacteria will then feed off of this sebum and you have your acne.
But there's more with vitamin B5 because it is a pantothenic acid and it helps regulate the production of the oil (sebum) that leads to acne by blocking the skin pores.
B5 helps reduce sebum production and therefore has another highly useful, anti-acne function.
However you need to be careful in taking vitamin B5, not because of any inherent danger but rather because it can lead to stomach upsets and some other, largely unpleasant rather than dangerous side effects.
The intake needs to be taken gradually and increased and then taken on a regular basis over some months, rather than days.
Some vitamin B5-rich programs indicate high levels of intake, which is where you need to take care and ensure you're not overdosing.
You can't create any severe side effects of doing so, but you should 'ease' into the intake and you are best to eat food that is rich in vitamin B5 (eggs, mushrooms, yoghurt, yeast) and/or use supplements to obtain your vitamin B5 levels.
However, the vitamin B5 regime will not cure all acne.
Some acne requires more intense treatment and other natural acne cures or natural acne treatment methods (apart from prescription medication).
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