Business & Finance Blogging

How To Get Blog Traffic With Compelling Content

When you have your own blog you have two main goals.
The first is to attract as many readers as possible and the second is to bring them back as often as possible to read more.
By bringing viewers in and providing solid content you will keep them coming back.
This will allow eyes on your advertising and you will make money.
Why So Many Give Up On Blogging Many people set up blogs but then as the daily grind to provide new content comes upon them they give up.
The sit in front of their computer with it's blank screen and have no idea what to write about.
In this manner thousands of blogs get abandoned every day.
What To Write Here are some basic ideas
  1. lists
  2. how to's
  3. reviews
  4. current events
  5. your recommendations
  6. interviews
  7. photos
  8. videos
I'm not going through an in depth coverage of all of these items but I am going to break one of them down for you, #8 using videos to get ideas.
Getting Blogging Ideas From YouTube The technique is simple, go to YouTube and type in a search subject that is in line with your blog.
Have a look at the videos that return, watch a few of them if you need to and then pick one.
Post that video into your blog and with the video playing on YouTube begin to put the ideas being discussed down in a list below it.
Be sure to get at least 5 ideas and then begin to flesh them out in your own words.
Don't be afraid to introduce your own ideas as you go along.
That's it, that simple.
It is an easy way to get a 500 word or longer post going on any subject that you'd like.
It is not stealing, you are simply using the method as a way to stimulate your imagination.
When you finish you need to decide whether or not the video still should be part of your post or not.
You may have strayed far from the ideas of the video or it may be that everything you put down was congruent with the video.
The Blessing And The Curse There Are So Many Topics To Write About There are unlimited options concerning what you can write about.
Is it a curse or a blessing?Are you overwhelmed?Are you picking the right things to cover?Part of your answer to this is how popular was the video you picked.
Does it have only a few views or does it have thousands.
If thousands then you have picked well.
If it is popular in video then it will also be popular in print.
The idea is to pick a topic that people are already interested in.
If you get out there by yourself then that is likely where you will stay, all by yourself.
Pick ideas to write about that have proven interest.

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