Home & Garden Gardening

How to Garden Perennial and Annual Flowers

    • 1). Plant the flowers in a bed that receives the amount of light indicated on the plant label. Most perennials and annuals prefer at least six hours of sunlight, but some types may need less.

    • 2). Spread a 2-inch layer of shredded bark mulch over the bed after planting. The mulch retains moisture in the soil, prevents weed seed germination and keeps the plants' roots cool during the hottest days of summer.

    • 3). Water the flowers when the top inch of soil begins to feel dry. Provide enough irrigation to moisten the top 6 to 8 inches of soil. Most flowers need once weekly irrigation except for during hot, dry periods, when more frequent watering may be necessary.

    • 4). Fertilize annual flowers once monthly from spring through early fall with a balanced soluble fertilizer, applying it at the label recommended rate. Fertilize perennial flowers in spring and again at midsummer with a slow-release granular fertilizer at the label rate.

    • 5). Remove the spent flowers from both perennials and annuals when the blossoms begin to wilt. Flower removal halts seed production, which encourages most annuals and some perennials to bloom a second time.

    • 6). Dig up and dispose of annual flowers once they begin to die back in fall. Cut back perennials to within 3 to 6 inches of the soil when they die back completely after the first fall frost.

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