Because of some of the latest movies and many ads you see everywhere online, lots of people these days seem to have the notion that you can start a free blog to make money and it will grow like a weed and fling money at you like a Vegas slot machine before you can say abracadabra.
As happens with most things, it is not quite that easy! Well there some good news though, and that is it is certainly true that you can make some money by blogging, and in fact if you treat your blog as a business you can actually earn quite a lot of money.
But remember that anything worthwhile does take some effort, and most things that are of value do not come free.
So although you can easily use a free blog such as Blogger or WordPress, I would strongly advise you establish your blog on your own website if at all possible.
There are a few other things to remember as well.
One thing is that you should post original content on your blog.
This is important because "content is king" and the search engines (like Google) just love and adore brand new never-seen-before content.
That means you should create your own blog posts out of your own imagination.
Do not copy other posts or use PLR content that has been posted all over creation already.
The only exception to this is it is fine to once in a while include articles from article directories, but be sure to give credit to the author and retain all of their links.
Another thing to remember is you need to be consistent.
You will make a lot more money with your blog if you post to it every day.
Even if it is just one post, the main thing is to establish consistency and stick to it.
As a beginning blogger don't set impossible goals for yourself.
For example, if you say that you are going to write 10 posts per day, you are most likely setting yourself up for failure.
So to start, just plan for one new post on your blog every day.
Then work up from there.
The final thing to remember is to be sure you choose a subject people are searching for and are interested in, and not only that, but one that you can have a lot to say about.
After all, if no one is interested in your niche (subject), you won't get many readers and hence, not much money.
Start your blog to make money but also to entertain and/or educate.
This will keep your readers interested and coming back for more.
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