Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dating Advice for Men - Is It Okay to Be Sensitive?

Sensitivity and dating.
There are a lot of misconceptions about whether or not a guy should be sensitive.
And there are pretty polar view points on this.
On one end of the spectrum,you'll have guys who say that being even the least bit sensitive is like the kiss of death if you want to attract a woman.
On the other side of the coin,you'll find those who say that you should be extremely sensitive so that you can show off that side of you.
Like most things in life,neither extreme is really the best approach.
You don't want to lack sensitivity so much so that you just come across like an arrogant jerk with no empathy skills whatsoever.
On the other hand,you also don't want to be so sensitive that it seems like you'll weep at the drop of a dime.
It's okay to be sensitive some of the time.
Your job is to discover what those times are when you should show off that side and when you shouldn't.
I'll give you some examples of both so that you can see things a little more clearly: --If you are talking to a woman and she mentions that someone she cared about just died or is really sickly,that is a perfect time to be sensitive.
--If you are talking to a woman and you find out that she just recently got out of a really bad relationship,that is a good time to be sensitive.
--If you have just met a woman and she's given you no reason to empathize with her in any way,then you want to tone down the sensitivity as much as you can.
--If you feel like you are not getting the attention that you want from a woman,that is NOT a good time to get sensitive about it.
Like most things,it depends on the situation that you are in.
It depends on the rapport that you have with her.
It depends on many variables.
Having the social acuity to be able to pick out those moments when it does pay off to show off your sensitive side and those moments when it will pay off for you to tone it down is key to your success with women.
The good thing is,the more social interactions that you have with women,the easier it is to pick your moments and to pick them correctly.
When you can do that,you'll find that you can not just attract a woman fairly easily,but you can also begin to escalate her attraction towards you as things progress.

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