Category : Wills & trusts : Law & Legal & Attorney

The Benefits Of Will Aid

Wills & trusts
A great national fundraising campaign that raises money for charities such as Trocaire, SCIAF, Sightsavers, Save the Children, NSPCC, Christian Aid, British Red Cross, Age UK and Action Aid is Will Aid! The campaign sees solicitors drawing up Wills for free in the hope that the Will-maker will donat

How to Inherit a 401K

Wills & trusts
A 401k plan is an employer-sponsored retirement savings program. Money put into the plan is tax-deferred, meaning taxes haven't been paid on the funds yet. When you inherit the 401k plan and distribute the money, you are now adding taxable income to your adjusted gross income. How you choose to take

Marine Fisheries Act

Wills & trusts
During the 1970s, foreign factory trawlers began sweeping though traditional American fishing grounds depleting populations of cod, haddock and salmon. The Congress responded in 1976 by passing the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to protect fish as a national resource.