Law & Legal & Attorney Wills & trusts

Topamaxs Serious Side Effects

We have been very aware about how certain medicines can give dangerous side effects among its users. And every day, multiple scenarios are brought up discussing the dangerous side effects of certain medicines. As of now, one of the most discussed medical drugs that have been found out to dangerously give side effects to its users is Topamax. People suffering from epilepsy have been using this drug as a treatment. It is also known as a treatment in preventing migraines. Yet, there are serious side effects that are alarmingly affecting a number of people despite Topamaxs serious contribution to people suffering from certain medical conditions.

It has been found out that there is a link between the development of glaucoma and the use of Topamax. This happened around the year 2001. This happened after US doctors received notification that there were around 23 Topamax users that have developed glaucoma after a month of using Topamax. Drowsiness and lethargy have also been the common side effects of Topamax use. It has also been affecting ones mental capacity and psychomotor abilities. These side effects were too much of a problem that those who were experiencing it were asked to stop using Topamax. There is also a much worse thing that gave been found out to result from Topamax use and that is its contribution on increasing the number of suicides. However, Topamaxs ability in producing birth defects is the one being taken seriously by doctors. In fact, this has been the main reason why the Food and Drug Administration instantly looked on Topamax. Then after, the FDA demanded from its makers to put a warning on the drugs label so that users will know about it.

Because of how it can affect innocent children, Topamax birth defects are really considered to be a very big problem my doctors. Cleft palate is actually the result of Topamax birth defects. And a lot of problems can spring from this. Cleft palate can cause problems in feeding, speech, and socialization. In the long run, this will create huge problems.

As much as we want people to stop taking Topamax, epilepsy is a serious condition. If a woman is pregnant, it will not only be dangerous for her but also for her child. In this situation, proper decision should be made like putting off having a baby. However, there were a lot of women who were not informed about these Topamax side effects even if its makers already knew about it. Can this be a basis for a Topamax lawsuit? Theres only one sure way to find out. Contact a lawyer today.

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