Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that was once used in building materials and other products because of its insulating properties and fire resistance. Asbestos materials are still in place in office buildings, schools, grocery stores or any other structures intended for any type of oc
An RF choke prevents unwanted radio frequency signals from entering other circuits in many electronic applications. A balun matches the impedance of balanced and unbalanced circuits for applications in almost all fields of electronics. Ham radio operators use a circuit called a choke balun that comb
Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is spread by inhaling particles spread in the air by infected persons who sneeze or cough. Treating the disease requires medication and a possible stay in the hospital. If you're a nurse or health care pr
Each area of the world experiences its own set of potential problems and issues with disaster recovery. Government and relief organizations may not be able to enter the stricken area immediately, leaving people to begin the recovery process without outside aid. Preparation before the event occurs ca
If you recognize someone is moderately hypothermic (see "How to Recognize and Assess Hypothermia"), begin treatment right away to prevent worsening of the condition. This could save his or her life.
The purpose of breathing barriers, also called CPR masks or pocket masks, is to facilitate more effective, sterile performance of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR. A first-aid worker can operate this portable tool with one hand, leaving the other free to hold the victim's head in place to ensure
Often, surgical instruments are similar to one another with only a small difference in their features or uses. Surgical instruments are designed to locate the cause of a problem or to treat a problem. Each surgical instrument is designed to perform a specific task such as to cut or incise, retract,
Medical problems are never convenient. People plan their busy lives never realizing that a medical condition might arise causing them to undergo surgery. Although you should always attempt to stay put and rest after any surgery, there may be situations which force you to travel--particularly if you
Operating theaters require a keen attention to safety, both for the patients and for all staff who are performing, assisting or supervising an operation. Safety procedures go beyond basic sterilization, although that is a very important part of making an operating theater safe. Every hospital or cli
Especially common in workplaces that produce, use or store large amounts of chemicals, chemical burns and rashes are the result of accidental exposure to or the misuse of chemical materials.
For many patients, coagulation testing is part of the routine assessment when presenting to the emergency department with chest pain - but is it necessary?
A second-degree burn causes damage to both the epidermis and into the dermis layer of the skin. This degree of burn will not completely destroy the dermis, but it does cause damage to the sweat glands, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, according to Gary Thibodeau's "Structure & Function of the Bo
Preparation and quick action are the keys to a safe hurricane season. Plan ahead for potential storms with home modifications, an emergency kit and safety knowledge. When a hurricane threatens your area, your preparations will let you act quickly to ensure your and your family's safety.
Horror stories of patients coming out of surgery with surgical sponges and tools still in their bodies have been in the news for many years. In 2003, researchers lauded the practice of bar-coding surgical trays so doctors and nurses could keep tabs on the surgical supplies. However, health care prac