Health & Medical First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery

AAEM RSA Education Committee Update

AAEM RSA Education Committee Update
Sitting at the French Quarter's famous Café du Monde enjoying café au lait and beignets, I started to reflect on the recent activities and successes of the AAEM/RSA Education Committee. The month of February was particularly productive for the committee. On Leap Day 2008 it was my honor to represent RSA in New Orleans at the Council of EM Residency Directors Academic Assembly (CORD-AA). During the presentation entitled "Leadership in Residency," Dr. Schmitz (Immediate Past EMRA Academic Affairs Rep.) invited me to discuss the various leadership opportunities within RSA and my experiences as the Education Committee Chair. Afterwards, several residents approached me to express an interest in taking active roles within AAEM/RSA. This will certainly strengthen the organization as the residents in attendance are an accomplished and motivated group who will undoubtedly be future leaders in EM education and research.

For those of you not in attendance and considering a career in academics, I would strongly encourage you to attend the CORD-AA next year. This meeting brings together accomplished educators in EM, and each lecturer provides invaluable advice. The resident track covered a variety of interesting topics including building a CV, EM burnout, fellowships and transitioning to junior faculty. The quality of speakers was second to none, and I congratulate Dr. Schmitz for organizing such an impressive event. The overarching themes that emerged from the track can be summarized in two words: passion and balance. By finding an area of passion within EM, you can effectively carve out a niche and turn personal satisfaction into professional success. Then, by maintaining a balance between professional responsibility and personal life, you can avoid burnout and ensure longevity in EM.

After the didactic sessions, conference attendees took to the streets of the Big Easy to enjoy one of America's most unique cities. Networking opportunities abounded as residents dined and enjoyed live music alongside the leaders of EM. Life in the French Quarter certainly seems to have returned to pre-Katrina status. However, my ride from the airport turned into an impromptu "Katrina" tour and was a harsh reminder that many parts of the city remain in ruins and much work remains to be done. As usual, the people of New Orleans were amazing hosts. EM should continue to support them by holding future national meetings there and continuing to advocate for the rebuilding process.

In addition to the CORD-AA, this February also marked AAEM's 14th Annual Scientific Assembly (SA). The Amelia Island Plantation was a beautiful setting for the conference, and it provided a very intimate feel for the event. The resident track at SA is the Education Committee's premier event and was the focus of a tremendous planning effort by its members. The content of the resident track was geared towards members of both RSA and the Young Physicians Section (YPS).

Dr. Sean Trivedi, an accomplished fund manager prior to pursuing a career in EM, opened the track with a step by step guide to developing a personal financial plan. His well attended talk contained information about the importance of asset protection and the power of compound interest. The talk definitely piqued interest as numerous attendees followed him into the hallway afterwards with further questions.

Next up to the podium was Dr. Mark Reiter, former RSA President and AAEM board of directors member, who discussed how to effectively locate and evaluate EM jobs. Throughout the presentation he applied the AAEM principles of workplace fairness and transparent billing to real life scenarios encountered when considering various employment settings. Also, his list of 'job red flags' will certainly help some of our members avoid signing a contract they will later regret. Graduating residents in attendance found the information to be especially timely and helpful with the job finding season at its peak.

Dr. Carey Chisholm, University of Indiana EM Residency Director, wrapped things up with a talk on transitioning to life after residency. The talk covered everything from finishing strong in residency to blending in at your new job. Speaking from years of experience, he provided words of wisdom and reflections on how to shape a rewarding career. Again, the importance of developing a niche and finding balance in life were echoed by a leader in EM. On behalf of the Education Committee, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to these speakers for volunteering their time in the name of educating the RSA membership.

After a long day of lectures, it was time to unwind, and the RSA social event that night was the perfect venue. The poolside Hawaiian luau themed party sponsored by Pepid provided a chance to catch up with old friends and to meet fellow EM residents from around the country. While dressed in full Hawaiian garb and drinking margaritas, those in attendance braved chilly weather and spent most of their time huddled in tight groups under the heat lamps. Prizes went to the best outfit, and an excellent time was had by everyone. I would like to extend a special thanks to John Wagner, Pepid President, for sponsoring the event and Janet Wilson, AAEM/RSA Executive Director, for all her help in the planning process. Overall, the 2008 SA was a successful event for the Education Committee, and we look forward to seeing everyone next year in Phoenix.

With the RSA elections decided, I plan on working with the incoming Education Committee Chair to ensure that the momentum we have generated this year continues. The top priorities for the remainder of my term are to begin planning an expanded second Annual AAEM/RSA Midwest Student Symposium and to start formulating ideas for the 2009 SA resident track. To help with this endeavor, those residents and students interested in planning educational and social activities are encouraged to join the committee and take an active role in shaping future events.

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