Category : Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

Teeth Whitening Treatments

Whether or not it is to lift self-worth, make you look more fascinating to others or to keep abreast of the Jones's, tooth whitening treatments are certainly all of the craze at the moment. Film stars have bright white teeth, many other people have them and so do pretty much all TV personalitie

How Invisalign Braces Work For Teens

Teens can use Invisalign for straightening their teeth just like adults can. Invisalign works with a special system for teens for its Invisalign braces. This works through various special things used for these braces for teens that help to get them to work properly. A notable thing about Invisalign

Bad Breath Treatment

This is not a disease. It is common with people who are not regular with proper hygiene of the mouth. Many people do not pay much attention to their dental health and this creates plaque and cavities within the mouth.This is caused when bacteria acts upon food particles stuck between the teeth.

Dental Implants Vs Dentures

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that not only replace a missing tooth or teeth, but helps to stop or prevent jaw bone loss too.By replacing missing tooth roots, implants offer more than looking better – They give you the strength you need to eat all the foods you love, withou