Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Outdoor Plants Are Wilting But the Soil is Still Moist

    Root Rot

    • It's difficult to point to one cause of plants wilting in moist soil, but root rot is very common. Root rot disables the roots' ability to take up water, but leaf transpiration continues, causing the leaves to dispense their water, while the plant has no ability to replenish it. Root rot is often caused by a combination of overwatering and poor drainage.

    Symptoms and Signs of Rot

    • If you suspect root rot, dig up the plant and inspect the roots. They will not be a healthy white or pale yellow color, but black, brown, gray or even slimy. In addition to wilting, you may notice that the foliage is not its normal, bright, healthy green, but a duller version of its healthier self. In fact, this may be why you began to overwater it in the first place. Upon further inspection of the plant tissue, you may notice that the rot has spread up the stem, leaving the stem soft, brown and maybe slimy.


    • Root rot is difficult to treat, as the signs usually aren't noticed until it's too late to save the plant. First, stop watering altogether until the top couple inches of soil have dried out. If the plants don't recover, it's probably better to start again next year. Note where the plants were growing and determine if the planting site was just too wet to support what you were trying to grow. Assess the soil to determine if it is poorly draining. If so, either take steps to improve drainage or select a different site.

    Other Causes

    • The roots, however, may not be rotting, but may be suffocating. Saturated soil doesn't allow for gas exchange, leaving the roots with no access to oxygen. According to Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, there are several other potential causes for wilting, among them are severe temperatures (the plant is too hot or too cold), nematodes or other insect damage to the roots -- or improper planting or girdling roots.

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