Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How Do You Know Whether Your Baby is a Boy Or Girl?

So you are pregnant and now what next? Trying to understand the sex of your baby and tense over it? Yes, it is normal for everyone and you are sure to experience this magic and will certainly love it! There are plenty of ways through which people suggest that you can determine the gender of your baby and for this you need to be a little more careful as there are many ways which works and the others which does not.
To know whether it is a baby boy or a girl you will have to either choose the scientific methods or the other not so scientific ones.
It depends upon your own beliefs.
The first and highly dependable one will be to listen to what your ultra sound technician tells you as he or she will have a clear understanding of the sex of the baby.
Never insist for the answer as they do hesitate if the scan is not clear and unless they get a good picture of the sex of the baby.
If you have a amniocentesis, you can close your eyes and depend on them as they can let you know about the gender.
You can also find some hilarious but still some techniques which do work and told by our forefathers.
One is to either use a necklace or to thread a needle with charm and ask your loved one to suspend it in front of your belly and experience the magic.
It says that you will have a baby boy if the charm moves back and forth.
On the other hand, it will be a baby girl if it moves in a circle.
Isn't it interesting? Just try it once! It is also said that higher levels of tiredness and nausea during the first trimester will confirm your pregnancy to be a girl and otherwise, a baby boy.
Is your beauty being reduced? Are you feeling extra-bloated, then people always keep telling that you are having a baby girl and she is stealing away your beauty.
Isn't that all some earlier false beliefs? To be frank, it is always said that it is not possible to determine the sex of the baby with these false beliefs.
Instead, it is proved that the sex of the baby you wish to have can be determined before you become pregnant.
This fact might be surprising to you, but it is true and I have myself tried it out and happy with a cute little baby girl after my two sturdy sons!

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