The seventh season of the Pokemon anime (Japanese cartoon), Pokemon Advanced Challenge is the second season set within the Hoenn region and focuses on Ash, Pikachu, May and Max. It continues on from the previous season, Pokemon Advanced and leads into the following season, Pokemon Advanced Battle.
Episode 1: What You Seed is What You Get
Episode 2: Love at First Flight
Episode 3: Let Bagons Be Bagons
Episode 4: The Princess and the Togepi
Episode 5: A Togepi Mirage!
Episode 6: Candid Camerupt!
Episode 7: I Feel Skitty!
Episode 8: ZigZag Zangoose!
Episode 9: Maxxed Out!
Episode 10: Pros and Con Artists
Episode 11: Come What May!
Episode 12: Cheer Pressure
Episode 13: Game Winning Assist
Episode 14: Fight for the Meteorite
Episode 15: Poetry Commotion!
Episode 16: Going, Going, Yawn!
Episode 17: Going for a Spinda
Episode 18: All Torkoal, No Play
Episode 19: Manectric Charge
Episode 20: Delcatty Got Your Tongue
Episode 21: Disaster of Disguise
Episode 22: Disguise Da Limit
Episode 23: Take the Lombre Home
Episode 24: True Blue Swablu
Episode 25: Gulpin it Down!
Episode 26: Exploud and Clear
Episode 27: Go Go Ludicolo!
Episode 28: A Double Dilemma
Episode 29: Love, Petalburg Style!
Episode 30: Balance of Power
Episode 31: A Six Pack Attack!
Episode 32: The Bicker the Better
Episode 33: Grass Hysteria!
Episode 34: Hokey Pokéballs
Episode 35: Whiscash and Ash
Episode 36: Me, Myself and Time
Episode 37: A Fan with a Plan!
Episode 38: Cruisin' for a Losin’
Episode 39: Pearls Are a Spoink's Best Friend
Episode 40: That's Just Swellow
Episode 41: Take This House and Shuppet
Episode 42: A Shroomish Skirmish
Episode 43: Unfair-Weather Friends
Episode 44: Who's Flying Now?
Episode 45: Sky High Gym Battle!
Episode 46: Lights, Camerupt, Action!
Episode 47: Crazy as a Lunatone
Episode 48: The Garden of Eatin'
Episode 49: A Scare to Remember
Episode 50: Pokeblock, Stock and Berry
Episode 51: Lessons in Lilycove
Episode 52: Judgment Day
If I Could Only Watch One…
- …Episode I would watch Episode 4: The Princess and the Togepi. This episode sees the return of Ash’s first companion, Misty who had travelled with him through the first five seasons of the anime, Pokemon Indigo League, Pokemon Adventures on the Orange Islands, Pokemon The Johto Journeys, Pokemon Johto League Champions and Pokemon Master Quest. Misty shows up in the Hoenn region after being invited to a special Togepi event. Almost immediately after running into Ash, Brock, May and Max a man tries to steal her Togepi and the resulting battle results in Togepi being blown away from Misty and being found by a princess of a kingdom who happens to be looking for a Togepi of her own for a ceremony to make her queen. The episode does ends on a cliffhanger so it’s worth watching the following episode Episode 5: A Togepi Mirage! as well if you can.
How to Watch
Due to its popularity, the Pokemon anime and its movies are fairly easy to get your hands on.
The official North American website offers a wide selection of episodes to watch for free from all the story arcs. The anime also airs very frequently on free to air TV in most countries around the world in addition to the cable channel, Cartoon Network.
Every season of the anime and all the movies and specials are widely available on DVD and several movies can also be found on Blu-ray.