You've heard this a thousand times but never really paid attention but it's never too late for action! Truly, too much information can KILL your productivity in any business but, especially, in the online marketing field.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of offers and solicitations you will receive every week! What you need to do is STOP and smell the roses, so to speak, in that your attention should only be focused on the task at hand.
Distraction, albeit tempting, cannot rule your day.
You need to plan what you intend to do well before you start work and stick to your plan.
When I first started my online business I tried very hard to concentrate on the program I purchased by joining all the affiliates suggested (that's a whole other article) by the program.
Soon, however, I was being bombarded by offers from all over the internet! Buy this, sell that, get this for free and so on...
! It became very distracting and my productivity was diminishing daily.
It happens so quickly and without realizing it, your day is done and you've wasted valuable time on promises.
It happens to the best of us so please, whatever you do, don't give up, or worse, give in to the "hype".
Everyone has the best product, most traffic generation, simplest SEO program, fastest return on investment whether time, money or effort! After all, aren't "they" looking for someone to buy their products and services? Of course, just like you, everyone else is striving for hungry customers to buy what is presented.
The more you investigate these "offers" the more time you waste trying to eke out a living on the internet.
Affiliate marketing is a great source of extra cash BUT beware, it is not the panacea that it is touted to be.
Mike Klingler says it best when he teaches, in his newly marketed program "Marketing Funnel Mastery" (MFM), that a "...
clear drawn out cash flow plan means you have a map".
What that says is you need to PLAN your day and follow that structure so you are not distracted by every other insidious plan on the market today! More appropriately, you are in this to make some money...
keep that goal in mind and follow a plan to get where you're going.
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