Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Information and Tips on Family Planning

These days, it seems as though there has been less emphasis on the importance of family planning for those who are looking to be responsible and have children when they are truly ready.
And with teenage pregnancy and unplanned pregnancies on the rise, you may be wondering how you can go about avoiding the possibility of becoming a statistic.
However, the truth is that you have the ultimate say and control over when you have children, and there are different types of female contraception out there to consider, in order to meet your family planning goals and enjoy your life to the fullest before starting a family.
When it comes to the various methods of female contraception that are out there, perhaps the most widely used and trusted one is the birth control pill.
These are a pack of pills that typically comes with 28 in a pack and contain hormones to prevent ovulation so that it is essentially impossible for a woman to become pregnant.
In the pack, there are typically 21 hormone pills and 7 placebos that are taken during the week of the woman's period.
The pill is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy and has been a major focus in womens health.
However, it does not prevent against STDs or STIs.
Some of the side effects to keep in mind before getting on birth control include weight gain, headache, and a difference in period flow.
However, most women do not experience any extreme side effects and, if they do, a different brand can always be tried as a way to get rid of them.
This form of contraception remains the single most popular that apply strictly to womens health.
Another popular type of female contraception these days is the birth control ring, which has a similar effect as the pill in preventing pregnancy.
The ring, however, is placed over the cervix so that sperm cannot enter.
The placement of the ring itself is done by a gynaecologist in a procedure that usually takes just a few minutes.
This is a great form of contraception for those who are afraid that they will forget to take a traditional pill each day.
After all, once the ring is inserted, the woman does not have to remember to do anything and the birth control itself can last for years before the ring needs to be replaced.
Perhaps the only drawback with this method is the possibility of side effects that go along with it.
For example, the ring itself can fall out or it can cause abdominal pain.
In terms of womens health and contraceptives, there is also a birth control patch that is worn on the skin to distribute the correct amount of hormones to prevent ovulation.
These are slightly less effective than the pill or ring, but are still a good backup method of protection for those who are serious about not getting pregnant yet at this point in their lives.
Also, the side effects for those who use the patch are relatively rare and include the same side effects as those who take the pill.
Still, the benefits are not having to worry about remembering to take the pill each day.
Overall, there are so many different kinds of contraception out there to help women prevent unplanned pregnancy, engage in successful family planning, and wait to have children until they are finally ready.

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