What really defines addiction for a drug addict who is struggling? For the most part, it has to do with the inability to stop using drugs even in the face of heavy consequences.
This is really the best definition because it points directly to the unmanageable part of a drug addict's life.
It is not about how much or how often we use drugs.
That is not enough to define addiction.
What is important is how the drugs make us feel and what our core motivation is for using the drugs.
If we are trying to medicate our feelings and use the drugs so that we can deal with reality, then that is bordering very closely on addiction.
Some people can use drugs occasionally as a way to relax or unwind.
Other people use them every single day and if they cannot get them then there is no way for them to relax.
This defines the addiction and if you are using drugs to medicate your feelings then that is a sure sign that you have become dependent.
Normal people who get into trouble with drugs or drinking will back off quickly and will not pursue any further drug use.
They put their foot down on their substance use because they do not want to get into any more trouble.
The drug addict does not have this option and they will continue to keep using drugs or alcohol even in the face of serious consequences.
That is the mark of true addiction and that is how you know someone will not stop without getting some help.